
SQL for Business Users

Instructor: Raeed Issa OCP, MSc

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SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and usually pronounced “sequel”. 

Why learn SQL? SQL is often is the backbone of many business and financial systems like Oracle EBS, Oracle Cloud ERP, and many others. 

When you understand the language of SQL, you can easily create reports, do financial analyses, and find answers that help you make better business decisions. 

You can almost make data dance by using simple SQL commands and statements. 

You can be in control of how your financial and managerial reports can do and YOU can direct your I.T. team how best to produce a report that makes good business sense.

Who is this Course For?

This is for business users (as opposed to techies):

Are you an accountant or business analyst who is curious about reporting and how data works?

Do you want to finally be free from your I.T. department and dictating how your managerial reports should look like?

Do you want to learn how to find answers in the data; how to put the create meaningful analyses perfect for making financial, operational, and strategic business decisions?


Are you a student who is new to writing SQL? Students will need to learn SQL to enrich their database understanding, build applications, and generate data extracts and reports.

What You Will Learn:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how relational databases work
  • Learn how to prepare SQL statements to retrieve data from the database tables
  • Learn simple SQL statements to find answers to business problems.
  • Create database objects such as table

  • Find data from the database in order to review data andbuild reports that make business sense.

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